Thursday, May 3, 2007

Politics of Insurance

So our newest dose of sour news relates to Sydney's insurance. If you remember, they lapsed her coverage in sept/oct of last year with out notice to us. We were not aware of any of it until she started having these tummy problems and seen the doctor for the first time on April 27th.

After some deep investigation and many hours sitting in the office demanding someone offer me an explanation, this is what happend: They mailed me a lot of forms to fill out. I turned them in and they were never processed. When I got a letter detailing the fact that they didnt have the paperwork, i went to their office to ensure that they did have them because i knew i took them to the office personally in a sealed envelope with the lady's name on them. She did say that she had them, just 'hadn't gotten a chance to process them' and that she'd get it straightened out. Well apparently not...

So i go back up there to get this straightened out yesterday (5/2/07) morning and everythign looked to be in order and she said that she should be able to get her re-activated by yesterday afternoon or today at the latest. I was pumped, who wouldn't be? So i go on to work among my normal day.

When the phone rang at lunch, i was sitting in the drive thru at taco bell famished. This lady has the nerve to tell me that there will be no coverage for this condition... that she's been rejected because this is a 'pre-existing condition'. Well first off it wasnt pre-existing when they cancelled her with out notice was it? Didnt think so...this was their fault, admittedly, but they can not fix it...

So we will go to egleston (and to the earth's ends if we must) paying out of pocket for any and all medical expenses related to this. I can not believe how this insurance thing worked out and while i'm super angry about it, it is what it is. There is no way to fix it and we're gonna deal with it. All i can say is thank god for charity hospitals...(children's is) atleast they wont take our house from us if this turns into a big thing and we cant pay the medical bills...

Star 94 (my fav. station) has a radio-thon every year in september to raise money for the children's healthcare of atlanta hospitals. I've made small donations for the last two years because my best childhood friend has had numerous liver transplants there and they were so wonderful to her and her family. The DJ's always say, "make the donation as insurance...knowing that they will be there to care for your children if, god forbid, they ever have to come here for treatment..." Well... now its happening to us. These hospitals are a very special place and i can imagine i'll be donating to their cause every year from now on regardless of what happens with syd. You should donate also...anyone, never know when it could be you in there. We never thought we would be either.

Click here to donate if you so feel the urge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, this person that youspoke with was the Supervisor? How about you ask her for HER Supervisors number? I would go all the way up until I got the damn CEO to tell me that there was nothing they could do for me, before I gave up. That is absolutely REDICULOUS! It makes ME want to cuss somebody out.. lol.